Sunday 24 February 2019

The Lord is here!

So for the Dux Britianiarum campagin my starting army needs 4 leader figures. A Champion who is the Lord's protector, two nobles and the lord himself.

The rules outline how to generate this leaders as characters and give them backgrounds, all of which is randomly generated using dice and tables for age, size, abilities, wealth, background and personal character.

Again all the figures are plastic Saxon Thengs by Gripping Beast.


Orvyn the Cruel, Champion, Age 27, of average build, Horseman, Wodenborn.

Grimbald, Noble, 26, Tall and Strong, Honourable, Wodenborn.

Cynerick, Noble, age 24, of Average Build, Lustful, Son of a Peasant.

And last but not least...

Sigeric the Red, Warlord, 33, of Average Build, Constitution of an Ox, Son of a Peasant.

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