Thursday 7 February 2019

New Projects, sigh.

One of the problems of having a mountainous pile of figures to paint is that you keep adding to it and always at a rate that out paces the extraction of painted models at the other end. And so yes I have done it again.

A very good mate wants to run a "Dux Britaniarum" campaign. Set in dark age Britain it is a war game rule set by Too Fat Lardies for a skirmish level game, something like the better know "Saga" rules. Anyway he got me the rules and the cards and the expansions as a gift so how could I refuse to get some figures whilst at Cancon. Sigh.

 Sorry for the orientation. Blogger is not co-operating. Anyway these will be my troops. Now have far more archers than I actually need but so be it.

So for the campagin rules I need a unit of 4 archers, 3 units of 6 warriors and 2 units of 6 elite warriors as the starting army. On top of this I will need 4 character figures who will be my leaders.

So assembled and undercoated.

My leader figure.

So I got started with the painting and have finished the arcers so far. a pity that there only 4 poses in the box of about 40 figures.

The helmeted head is a swap fro the warrior set.

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