Sunday, 24 February 2019

The Lord is here!

So for the Dux Britianiarum campagin my starting army needs 4 leader figures. A Champion who is the Lord's protector, two nobles and the lord himself.

The rules outline how to generate this leaders as characters and give them backgrounds, all of which is randomly generated using dice and tables for age, size, abilities, wealth, background and personal character.

Again all the figures are plastic Saxon Thengs by Gripping Beast.


Orvyn the Cruel, Champion, Age 27, of average build, Horseman, Wodenborn.

Grimbald, Noble, 26, Tall and Strong, Honourable, Wodenborn.

Cynerick, Noble, age 24, of Average Build, Lustful, Son of a Peasant.

And last but not least...

Sigeric the Red, Warlord, 33, of Average Build, Constitution of an Ox, Son of a Peasant.

Sunday, 17 February 2019

The Saxons are coming....!

So moving right along with the Saxons for "Dux Britaniarum" the main units are now complete.

 First up, the Gedredht, elite warriors. 2 units of 6.

The Geoguth, warriors, 3 units of 6.

Beware angry bald men!
All the figures are plastic ones from the box sets by Gripping Beasts. I have used their Dark Age Archers, Dark Age Warriors and Saxon Theng boxes to make up the army. The helemted Geoguth are from the Dark Age Warrior box with head swaps with some from the Saxon Thengs, who are included in the warrior units. There are also a couple of bare heads swapped from the Dark Age Archers.

I am very happy with how the shields turned out. I would love to take credit for them but they are infact transfers from Little Big Men Studios. Whits edges still show in a couple of places, which I will fix up, but overall I am very happy with the result.

Thursday, 7 February 2019

New Projects, sigh.

One of the problems of having a mountainous pile of figures to paint is that you keep adding to it and always at a rate that out paces the extraction of painted models at the other end. And so yes I have done it again.

A very good mate wants to run a "Dux Britaniarum" campaign. Set in dark age Britain it is a war game rule set by Too Fat Lardies for a skirmish level game, something like the better know "Saga" rules. Anyway he got me the rules and the cards and the expansions as a gift so how could I refuse to get some figures whilst at Cancon. Sigh.

 Sorry for the orientation. Blogger is not co-operating. Anyway these will be my troops. Now have far more archers than I actually need but so be it.

So for the campagin rules I need a unit of 4 archers, 3 units of 6 warriors and 2 units of 6 elite warriors as the starting army. On top of this I will need 4 character figures who will be my leaders.

So assembled and undercoated.

My leader figure.

So I got started with the painting and have finished the arcers so far. a pity that there only 4 poses in the box of about 40 figures.

The helmeted head is a swap fro the warrior set.