Monday, 31 August 2015

Clearing the Desk.

Thought I get some of the many projects I have started out of the way before starting anything new.

WW1 planes

Biggles of 266 Sqn, Academy Sopwith Camel.

Sopwith Triplane By Revell.

S.E.5a from a kit so old it was one of the first I ever built myself.

Skull Cracker birds from Freebooter Miniatures.

Look good don't they.

Japanese Armoured Regiment Command.

The gun had been broken off the turret and lost so I converted this one to a Command tank mounting a small cannon (37mm) in the hull.

Te-He tankette. These were all second hand so I don't know who the manufacturer is.

Demagorgon from Devils and Demons Kickstarter.

Go for the eyes Boo.

I just love this base.

Friday, 21 August 2015

First Round of Clearances.

Ok. So since the last mega post (mega-lamania post) what have I actually managed to finish?

Dornier 217 by Italeri, 1/72 scale.

A very old Matchbox 1/72 kit, Beoing P-12.

A Vac-form kit from High Planes Models, CAC Wirraway, 1/72
German late war armoured cars in 20mm.

Repaint of a SdKfz 234/1 form Military Vehicles magazine. The turrent is a sratch build.

SdKfz 234/2 from Hasegawa.

Same as above but modded to be a SdKfz 234/4.

20mm Panzer 38t's. The two on the left from Military Vehicles Magazine, the ones on the right from Plastic Soldier Company.

Plastic Soldier Copmany Marder III Ausf M from the same kit as the PSC Pz 38t's above.

Military Vehicles magazine Hummel repainted with PSC crew.

Pegasus ISU 152's in 1/72 scale.
Usually I'd drybrush and get an appearance like this.

With the second one I drybrushed with powered pastels for a rust effect.
 Both the Soviet assault guns were painted the same base colour. I'm not completely happy with the way the tracks turned out with the pastels but a slight change in my method and I think I'll get what I want. I am pleased with the overall effect.

I have some commission work to do, which will take priority for now, then I have some character figures to do, then the Trollbloods, some Space MArines and then Wymgear!

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

The Stash.

So I am thinking to myself that if I am going to start a blog about painting them I should really begin that blog with what I have to paint. So the idea is to get out all my as yet unfinished figures, put them on a table and view them. The result.....

Opps! The Table of Insanity!
Out of shear curiosity (and perhaps a touch of megalomania) I decided to determine the amount of figures sceintifically. Counting was out of the questions (I'm not that mad yet) so weighing was the next best thing.

81 kilograms!

Please bear in mind that 35kg of this is metal figures. Ok that means there are an awful lot of them (and even MORE of the plastic and resin figures that make up the rest) but still....

You're not buying this are you?

So what does this all break down too.

Plastic Tanks, figures and the odd plane all in 20mm scale.

15mm Ancients, metal.

More plastic 20mm WW2 figures and a whole Hordes Trollblood army (must finish, must finish).

Plastic kits. Boat, a few tress and one of my bits boxes.

Buildings, planes to be repaired or repurposed, metal Star Wars figures and another bits box.

25mm metals. WW1 and tons of Horse and Musket.

Bones figures. At least half of these belong to my wife but Bones 3 is on the way.

Plastic kits. LOTR Ent seems to be missing though.

Terrain, 15mm ancients and some very special figures.

Plastic kits, mostly planes.

Battle Tech and Spaceships.

Terrain, 28mm ECW, figures for Sedition Wars and various 28mm character figures.

Bi-planes, Artillery skull cracker birds and a LOT of Space Marines going through a complete revamp.
Do I have too many figures?