Tuesday 15 January 2019

Catching Up.

You know those times when you have stuff that you know you should do but just never quite get to?
I have been having a whole season of them. Got busy with work and family and just never got back to updating the site since September! Oh dear! Well anyway here goes and attempt at catching up to the end of 2018 to be able to start the new year, with Janurary already half over, with a clean slate.

More plastic American skirmishers. A mix of Warlord and Perry figures.

Daniel Boone. A mishmash.

More Continentals. Metals. Old Glory. Mad Anthony Wayne's Legion.

Continetal Artillery. Old Glory SYW British. Need to finish the bases.

Colonial Militia. Mix of Perrys and Warlord plastics.

Appropriately the Greys have a couple of plastic Perry Confederates to make up numbers.

The boss and his aides. Metal Perrys. Still need to finish the bases.

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