Saturday 17 March 2018

The Mad Rush for CanCon.

Ok yes I know that Cancon finished like 3 weeks ago but since it ended I have been too busy to really post and through Janurary I was so busy getting all my painting done, having realised 2 weeks out that I wasn't finished, to post anyway. So here is the catch up. (Oh and yes I know I didn't have this up until the middle of March as I thought I had published it but hadn't. Oh well.)

The Wiard Guns.
I am reasonably happy with how they turned out, since I had no plans and was doing it entirely from old photos. You'll notice that one of the guns is a little lower in its cradle than the other. This is where I thought the guns should sit but having got one together it looked too low.

The Limber.
Perry Miniatures metal Confederate limber and team. Having now played with it, it's a bit too big for the table (maybe 4 horses or even two) but it got some good comments especially when people realised that I had added all the chains and cables to the pulls.

Dismounted Cavalry.
Confedrate versions of the Union cav I did eariler. Note the mix of weapons.

Needed some more to make up numbers. Perry Plastics.

Heroes and Sharpshooters.
The "Longstreet" rules require markers/figures to represent unit heroes and sharpshooters. here are mine. Converted Perry plastics.

 The General.
A converted Perry plastic to represent my commander in chief. Zouave officer torso with cavalryman's legs and some green stuff.

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