Monday, 3 March 2025

March Mech Maddnes!

Ok, so I am a long time Battletech fan. Long time. But with the re-launch by Catalyst Game Labs a few years ago, I bought the Beginner Box since my son was, seemingly, interested in the game. I dug out all my old metal minis, and a few plastic ones, and added to the box. But my son failed to really grab the idea and the box sat on the shelf. Ocassionaly  I would buy one of the new box sets and recently picked up the Alpha Strike box. So this has added to my pile of minis to paint.

So after an inspiration (see below) I got the mechs out and started painting.

Going through the figures I could make 3 stars of Clan mechs from the new plastics. I went with mixed weight stars just 'cause it looked good.

First up, a star from the Smoke Jaguar Beta Galaxy, the Mistweavers.


Secondly, a mixed star from the Jade Falcons.


The third star isn't finished just yet. It will be from Clan Wolf.

Now my wife was having painting block, where you have a figure but can't decided what colours to use to paint it. To fix that, we picked up a set of Colour Cubes. These are boxes of cards with 5-6 colours on the card and a photograph in which those colours appear. So for Inner Sphere mechs this sounded like a great idea. So out came the dice. Random mech and then random card (there are 500 of them).

So to give you an idea, here is the first one, a Bushwacker.

 And then the finished result.

 Ok, so now for a lance, each being an individual.


So you get the idea. But some of the cards can be ... awkward. For example..

 All in all, a lot of fun. And still more to come.

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