Thursday, 30 January 2025

I am still not dead.

 But, as usual, I am badly behind with posting. So here is a catch up post for what I managed to paint over  December. Well,... the units I got finished. There were some individual figures, I think, but I did them in a hurry for some reason or another, mostly I needed a character figure for an RPG session.

So here we go...

28mm Austrian SYW Dragoons. 3D prints from files purchased from Battle Cat Games. 

28mm Wurtemburg SYW Infantry. 3D prints from files purchased from Battle Cat Games.

28mm Austrian SYW Hussars. Riders by Perry Miniatures, horses are 3D prints from files created by Piano Wargames.

28mm Prussian SYW Artillery Crew by Wargames Foundry. Over 40 of them.

28mm Prussian SYW guns from Wargames Foundry.

28mm Prussian SYW Generals by Wargames Foundry. 

Duke of Brunswick.

Feldmarshal Kieth.

And then the Alte Fritz himself.

Two 28mm Prussian SYW Fusilier battalions from Wargames Foundry.

Four 28mm Prussian SYW Musketeer battalions from Wargames Foundry.

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