Wednesday 8 May 2019

April Foolishness.

o yes it is now May and again I am posting objects painted in the month before. My excuse this time is that I am still getting used to the new computer which is running Windows 10 (boo, hiss, hate).

First up, the gunners, 26of them in fact. A mix of Old Glory, Wargames Factory and I think AB.

A mix of Grenze infantry. One unit of AB figures and another of unknown origin with a single Wargames Foundry Napoleonic ring in to make up numbers. The guys in blue were not all painted by me but the painted had chipped badly and I needed to touch them up.

Generals by Old Glory.

The last regiments of the Grenadier brigade. Mostly Old Glory figures with some Wargames Foundry and AB to make up numbers.

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