Thursday 14 June 2018

Medic! And a Chaplin! Oh dear!

So I have got back into my seemlying never ending repainting of my old Space Marine army, (which will be true if I don't keep at it) I have finished redoing my biker Chaplin. Remember that some of these figures, like this one, are about 30 years old.

A Terminator Captain from the original box set. He was repainted a while ago but I finally got around to putting him on a new, bigger, 40mm base.

Finally a new figure. This is one of the new Primaris Marines. Indeed it is the Primaris Apothecary which I got very cheap by stint of buying it in Edinburgh whilst on holiday. Damn GW's Australian pricing. Anyway the figure is very nice and paints up well. I am very pleased with the result.

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