So I finally managed to get some painting done. April was a write off, being overseas and all, and it has been hard to get motivated again. Many of these figures have been sitting on the desk for some time just waiting for a last minute rush to get them finished. This I managed to do late on Thursday night. Made it for May by a couple of hours.
First up a Sdkfz 7 as a late war artillery tow. This is a conversion from a die cast Flakverling carrier from Military Vehicles magazine.
Next up a Sdkfz 9 Famo from Revell. I had eariler converted another diecast Sdkfz 7 to a recovery vehicle by scratch building a Bilson crane so I didn't really need another so by the simple expedient of adding canvas covers I get the artillery tow version of this machine.
Rebuilt Airfix 88.
FW-189 Uhu by Bilek. No I have never heard of them either. I picked this up at the MOAB Bring and Buy last year. It was an old kit and the transfers just fell apart so I have been waiting for som after market ones to arrive. Apart from the canopy the kit went together very well. The clear canopy parts did not fit well with the rest of the kit and then reacted badly to the glue, clouding over even where the glue never touched and not bonding well. And then I had to paint it! No one does pre cut masks for this aircraft in this scale (1/72) so it all had to be done by hand.
Some 40K Space Marines as part of the interminable repainting project.
Terminator Librarian. |
Captain. |
Banner Bearer. |