Wednesday 5 June 2024

I am not DEAD!

 Yes I now know it has been almost 2 years, my how time flies, since I last posted. Yes that is far too long and I never intended it to be that way. A month or two goes by so quickly and it is suddenly a year and then two before you find the time and/or inclination to post again.

I am not even going to try and catch up on the last two years. Too much has been done to try and remember it all so I am just going to carry on from here.

So the current project at our wargaming club is a Seven Years War campaign so I am filling out the unit roster to cover all possibilities and expand some units, mostly cavalry.

First Up, Elite Austrian Carabineers. Figures are 3D prints with the files by War Bear Studios.

Austrian Hussars. Mostly Perry conversions from French Napoleonic Hussars with a few 3D printed horses by Piano Wargames to make enough mounts.