Monday, 11 July 2022

Winter Painting.

 So I finally get around to again catching up. To be fair nearly all of what I am posting was only finished this week. Some of it, about a third, was even started this week. There are even more still to be finished, I just have to base them so they should be up by the end of the week. What you get from sitting at home whilst your family, and then yourself, recover from Co-Vid 19.


First up 3 regiments of Austrian Line infantry.

All the figures are Perry plastics.
The following are from Piano Wargames and they are all my personal 3D prints. The first battalion of a small Wurzburg army. Actually these guys would be from the Second regiment.

  These were all painted using Citadel Contrast paints which is my first real use of these paints. It makes some things faster but I am not sure that I will competely change my painting methods, but they are worth more of a look, particularly with other companies making similar paints and ways of making your own. Pretty happy with these guys.

Some Generals, Perry metals.

Limbers, guns and draught teams. The draught teams with drivers are my own creations using a draught horse and an Austrian dragoon mount suitably modified. The figure was printed without the drivers head which came from the spares box which has heaps of spare Perry plastic heads. To date I have completed 20 such teams and guns. When I have everything painted I will have get some "army" photos.

More Perry plastic Austrian line infantry.

I used 3 different methods to paint these. This is part of an experiment to see if I can come up with a faster method of painting.

So first up my "traditional" method. So airbrush white, blue pants and black (hats and shoes). Block paint the rest and finally a wash of sepia ink and floor polish.

This regiment was painted with Contrast paints. So Corax white undercoat, contrast paints and then a light wash as with the regiment above.

Just Contrast paints. Corax white base coat and then standard contrast paints.

The other option, which I used on the Wurzburgers, is to spray paint white, wash of Agrathrax Earthshade, dry brush white and then use the contrast paints.I do think the final wash is needed for the contrast paints as they tend to leave unpainted bubbles which, being white, show up very starkly which the wash can cover.

Until next time.

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

April Showers.

 Ok so again I am way behind but I need to get the blog back on track and so here I am.

Most the time since the last post has been taken up with printing, as you can see in the last post and as you will see here and as you will in the next one.

Firstly some pachycephalosaurus, 3D prints from Duncan Shadow.

Next some Ice elements, 3D prints that my wife found on Thingiverse I think. I printed them in clear resin, gave them a blue ink wash and then dry brushed.

Some Ice Pheonix in two different sizes. Again 3D prints with the sculpt coming from RocketPigGames. I painted these using the same method as the elements.

A couple of mephits by JKMiniatures. 3D prints.

And finally something a bit different. A FDM print of Thranduil's sword from the Hobit movies.

The print originally came in 5 pieces with no way of joining it except butt joints.

Mostly I am happy with how it came out but I really hope to better with the next one. Stay tuned.

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Keeping up with the Blog.

 G'day All.

So, like my painting, my blog posts go in fits and starts. I do nothing for a long while and then get a heap done. In this case, like others, I dump a whole lot os stuff into one post. Also the last couple of weeks we have been dealing with a LOT of rain here in Penrith and whilst we have managed to keep water from coming into the house through the doord, the roof has sprung a leak and we didn't realise until water started coming through the ceiling. Yay! NOT!

So lets start at the latest completions and work backwards.

These two are 3D prints on the Anycubic Photon Mono. Original models by Duncan Shadow.

More 3D prints. These are by Epic Miniatures.

Wakaturu Tribe Queen. 3D print with the model from Titan Forge Miniatures. 

An Izalgunn, (well technically a Gorilla Centaur Alien) printed from a model by Print_Paint_Play.


Gunslinger characters for the Pathfinder 2 rpg module "Headshot the Rot". All are 3D prints.

 "Trish" by RN Estudio.

"Astraea, the Emperor's Jaegers Shooter" from Signum Workshop.

"Goblin gun mechanic" by Onmioji (Stanislav Kuznetsov).

 "Korg 2 Dragons" from the "Troubles in Taverns" set by Artisan Guild.


The Walrus God. 3D print on my old FDM printer, model by Evan Carothers from their Wilds of the Winterland Kickstarter.

And then "Shinack" my Trox soldier/mechanic for the Starfinder RPG. Shinack is a bit of a Franken-model as the head and body are from a Hive Colossus, the arms are from the Tarasque, both by Artisan guild while the hammer is from the Dwarven weapon set. The vestige arms and gun are from Thingiverse. He stands about 8cm tall. (That's over 3 inches for those of you still using the size of a dead king's foot as your basis of measurement.)

Not included here, because I forgot to take photos of them are some 16 figures half of them quite large, and some 3D terrain (60cm by 60cm) that I printed and painted for a mate.

Now that that is out of the way, and it has stopped raining, lets see if I can keep up with myself this year.