So I finally get around to again catching up. To be fair nearly all of what I am posting was only finished this week. Some of it, about a third, was even started this week. There are even more still to be finished, I just have to base them so they should be up by the end of the week. What you get from sitting at home whilst your family, and then yourself, recover from Co-Vid 19.
First up 3 regiments of Austrian Line infantry.
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These were all painted using Citadel Contrast paints which is my first real use of these paints. It makes some things faster but I am not sure that I will competely change my painting methods, but they are worth more of a look, particularly with other companies making similar paints and ways of making your own. Pretty happy with these guys.
Some Generals, Perry metals.
Limbers, guns and draught teams. The draught teams with drivers are my own creations using a draught horse and an Austrian dragoon mount suitably modified. The figure was printed without the drivers head which came from the spares box which has heaps of spare Perry plastic heads. To date I have completed 20 such teams and guns. When I have everything painted I will have get some "army" photos.
More Perry plastic Austrian line infantry.
I used 3 different methods to paint these. This is part of an experiment to see if I can come up with a faster method of painting.
So first up my "traditional" method. So airbrush white, blue pants and black (hats and shoes). Block paint the rest and finally a wash of sepia ink and floor polish.
Just Contrast paints. Corax white base coat and then standard contrast paints.
The other option, which I used on the Wurzburgers, is to spray paint white, wash of Agrathrax Earthshade, dry brush white and then use the contrast paints.I do think the final wash is needed for the contrast paints as they tend to leave unpainted bubbles which, being white, show up very starkly which the wash can cover.
Until next time.