Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Seeing Red.

So of to a better start this month, at least as far as painting goes. The CoViD19 lockdown has actually meant more work for me at school as preparing lessons for home use, in two forms (online and hard copy) at at least three levels (standard, supported and very supported) has taken its toll. Thank goodness that once Easter is over, life will calm down a bit until next term. Oh well.

Anyway to the painting. Got two more of the "Maverick" 3D printed vehicles made. With these two you can begin to see the versatility of the models design. The hull sides remain the same thought the centre side panels have alternative designs, solid, gun mounts and hatches. There are alternate front and rear plates, different top decks as well as a range of weapons all designed to have magnets installed to allow easy swapping around.

First the MBT type build.

Next is the Medium tank type. 40K players might find the general theme familiar.

 And finally a family snap shot .... so far.