Monday, 17 June 2019

Cows with guns.

Literally. Well not exactly a cow but a Minotaur, or rather a Naur from the Starfinder RPG. I earned a boon that allowed me to create a character of this race. Since I couldn't find any Sci-Fi minotaurs that I liked I went and created one. The body is a GW Primaris Spacemarine Reaver whilst the head is from a Reaper Bones minotaur.

The other figure is from the Infinity wargame range. It came in one of the Dire Foes box sets, the "Candy Cloud". This is the Nexus-7. I am using him as my Shirren Operative (again for Starfinder RPG). The Shirren being bug people rather than ravenous, mindless monsters I couldn't find anything suitable but this guy is close.

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Mayday, Mayday.

Well actually May-day, note the spacing, is at the start of the month rather than the end. Nor is this about an emergency, disaster or anything like that. Its more that, as is usual, I am posting what I finished by the end of the month a week or so into the following month.

Anyway, Austrian artillery of various sizes.

I have no idea who most of the manufacturers are and I know that some are Frankenstien type creations. But they look the part and hopefully will serve well.

Hungarian Hussars.

1st Regiment, Kaiser Franz.

 2nd Regiment, Nádasdy.

3rd Regiment, Pálffy.

 All the figures are Old Glory and the standards by Vaubanner Graphics.