Thursday, 2 November 2017

A wierd gun.

In fact a Wiard gun. An early ACW artillry piece the was very inovative but never really caught on. As I need some 6pdr guns for my ACW forces and I don't have a lathe to turn out the standard gun and I kinda like this one and no one made one in 25/28mm I was hooked. Of course after starting all this I now discover that someone actually does offer 6pdr and 12pdr Wiard guns in 28mm but pooey to them.

The Original.
Masters for the carriage.

Assembled. I am going to use some leftover wheels from some Perry plastic limbers rather than trying to make my own.

The Gun master. Yes it is made from greenstuff as I have no lathe.

An idea of scale.

After months of inactivity...

... a flood of completions. Seems to be the way I go and until I started keeping the blog I had never really noticed it. Anyway the figures.

Federal Reinforcements. This brings at least 3 units upto the standard size for the "Longstreet" ACW rules.

Confederate reinforcements. Again for the "Longstreet" rules and in this case a unit which is an amalgam of a number of small early war units mostly from Lousianna.

The Maryland Guard.

The Monroe City Guard.
Louisanna Chasseurs a Pied.
Louisanna Garibaldi Guard.
IL-2M Sturmovik by HobbyBoss.

The happy pilot of the flying tank.

The Gunner. From this angle he looks to be asleep.