Thursday, 8 June 2017

But finally some painting...

... of the guns.

The battery fresh out of the mould.

With a lick of paint.

And based.

With crew.

And that size comparison again.

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Not much painting lately...

...and this might be why.

No. 2 Siege Carriage. Mold Master.
 I am in an ACW campaign and I have at least 3 Heavy Rifled Artillery batteries in my Field Armies. Yes this was done and yes they were the guns that I am basing the model on, the 4.5" Siege Rifle.

Master for the wheels.

First casting of Carriage and Gun.

Completed model.

With 28mm Perry PLastic ACW artillery crew to give you an idea of size.

With Perry 28mm plastic 3" Ordinance rifle for comparison.
I am relatively happy with the results though the wheels aren't turning out as well as I hoped and I may have to make s new mold for these.