Thursday, 2 November 2017

A wierd gun.

In fact a Wiard gun. An early ACW artillry piece the was very inovative but never really caught on. As I need some 6pdr guns for my ACW forces and I don't have a lathe to turn out the standard gun and I kinda like this one and no one made one in 25/28mm I was hooked. Of course after starting all this I now discover that someone actually does offer 6pdr and 12pdr Wiard guns in 28mm but pooey to them.

The Original.
Masters for the carriage.

Assembled. I am going to use some leftover wheels from some Perry plastic limbers rather than trying to make my own.

The Gun master. Yes it is made from greenstuff as I have no lathe.

An idea of scale.

After months of inactivity...

... a flood of completions. Seems to be the way I go and until I started keeping the blog I had never really noticed it. Anyway the figures.

Federal Reinforcements. This brings at least 3 units upto the standard size for the "Longstreet" ACW rules.

Confederate reinforcements. Again for the "Longstreet" rules and in this case a unit which is an amalgam of a number of small early war units mostly from Lousianna.

The Maryland Guard.

The Monroe City Guard.
Louisanna Chasseurs a Pied.
Louisanna Garibaldi Guard.
IL-2M Sturmovik by HobbyBoss.

The happy pilot of the flying tank.

The Gunner. From this angle he looks to be asleep.

Friday, 20 October 2017

Horseless Cavalry.

Well ... dismounted Union ACW cavalry anyway. These are all minor conversions from Perry Miniatures plastic Confederate Infantry. Will have to do some Rebel troopers on foot.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Something Completed... last and mostly completed. Usually I don't declare a figure/model done until it is based.but as it has been over three months since that happened, I just saying this is done and will do the base in a couple of weeks.

The figure is the Reaper Miniatures dragon "Ebonwrath" and this one is their "Bones" version. The colour choice was random as part of a challenge on the Reaper forums called "Random Rainbow Dragon". The challenge was to paint the figure in just three colours (plus balck and white) rolled from a group of 20 colours. The first colour rolled up had to be the main colour with the others used less often. I will post a link to the finished dragons thread when it comes up.

Anyway, Ebonwrath!

Thursday, 8 June 2017

But finally some painting...

... of the guns.

The battery fresh out of the mould.

With a lick of paint.

And based.

With crew.

And that size comparison again.

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Not much painting lately...

...and this might be why.

No. 2 Siege Carriage. Mold Master.
 I am in an ACW campaign and I have at least 3 Heavy Rifled Artillery batteries in my Field Armies. Yes this was done and yes they were the guns that I am basing the model on, the 4.5" Siege Rifle.

Master for the wheels.

First casting of Carriage and Gun.

Completed model.

With 28mm Perry PLastic ACW artillery crew to give you an idea of size.

With Perry 28mm plastic 3" Ordinance rifle for comparison.
I am relatively happy with the results though the wheels aren't turning out as well as I hoped and I may have to make s new mold for these.

Monday, 22 May 2017

U.S. Coloured troops.

More Civil War troops for my Union army. They are just meant to be a generic unit of Coloured troops.

Rebel Yell!

Some Perry Plastics for a mate.

Sunday, 30 April 2017

The Hard Edge... WW2 camo.
1/72 Revell Spitfire, RAAF 54 Sqn, and my first Spit in 40 years of model building.

Again a pilot by PJ Productions.

OT-130, one of a number of flame thrower versions of the T-26, by Mirage

T-26 M39 again by Mirage. Painted in Finnish hard edge camo.

There is a lot of debate out there about the actual colours the Finns used but I reckon that this is pretty close.