Friday 30 December 2016

To Close Out The Year.

A final round of painting before the new year.
96 1848 Americans from Imex

Imperial Hurrican Walker from Prodos Games

Anti vehicle configuration.
Anti-infantry configuration.

Imperial Greyhound LAFV from Prodos Games.

And finally another 10 Imperial Trenchers from Prodos Games.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Back Painting.

So after a very long time away I finally have some time to paint again. Not that I have managed to finish much and my free time wont last long. Anyway here we go, the first 5 Imperial Trenchers for Warzone Resurrection by Prodos Games.

Thursday 14 July 2016

Gasp! Royalists!

Yeah I know, what is happening to me? Still they look good.

The Irish Regiment.

Lord Newcastle's Sheep (the Whitecoats)

Tuesday 28 June 2016

And hardly working.

Still procrastinating.

Another new regiment of Foot. Royalist this time. Ugh!

Sunday 26 June 2016

Working Hard...

...when I should be working on school stuff.

A work in progress based on two Reaper Bones figures.

Same but female this time.

And now a sorceress.

One of 3 new cavalary regiments for my ECW army.

Regiment 2.

And regiment 3.

Saturday 18 June 2016

Back into the swing....for the moment.

Managed to find some time to finish off a few figures.
ECW cavalry. Wargames Factory.

Revell 30 Years War plastic guns serving as light guns.