Saturday, 31 October 2015


of the 40K kind. No Arnie here.

Terminator squad with Sargent and Assualt cannon

Terminator Assualt squad with Libarian

And side view.
Close up.

Remaining Terminators.

Pathfinder Society charcter figures.

Both are the same figure from Reaper Bones with the one on the right being modified.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

By Your Command.

More Space Marines.

Command Squad.

Champion. I am really happy with how the sword turned out.

Veteran Sargent. I'll have to learn to focus properly.

Standard Bearer. Didn't get a pic of the standard.
First Devastator Squad.

Las cannon turned out well. Haven't got the hang of "jewelling" yet.

Saturday, 10 October 2015


The repainting of the marines is moving along nicely. Never as fast as I want but then if it did go that fast the paint jobs would be pretty average. Anyway more of what has come about.

Last of the bikers, Attack Cycle.

The only figure not being repainted. My original Medic is his original paint job from 1989. I was so proud of this one when I first finished it.

Medic in new paint job.

Its a nice day for a white wedding.

Chaplin.Still need to finish the banner.

Another Chaplin.

Chaplin in deep purple for something different.
And so light German WWII armour from PLastic Soldier Company.

A very simple conversion from SdKfz 250 to SdKfz 253 Artillery Observation Vehicle.

And standard 250/9 Recce vehicle.

Monday, 5 October 2015

On the Road Again.

As part of my massive Space Marine repainting project I have managed to get the bike squad done. I go back to work in a couple of days so the output will really drop off.

The Squad.

The Sarge.

Biker Chaplain.

And a Bristol Blenhiem to finish off the set.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Oh when the Saints...

Oh the music I having running around inside my head sometimes.

Anyway Churches, roads and Space Marines in this lot.

Ewar's Church complete and on the table.

Ewar's City Road complete and on the table.

An old Revell base piece.

GW Space Marines from the 90's with after market jet packs, swords and one head swap

More of the same only modded to have a second pistol.

More recent GW Space Marines.