Saturday, 26 September 2015

Burning Down the House.

Talking Heads. And Houses.

Russian Houses by Pegasus.

More of the same.

3 of 4 houses by PlastCraftGames from their Ewar range.

There are 4 in the set. The missing one was finished ages ago.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Song of the Misty Mountain

Yeah the kids have been watching the Hobbit movies.

Anyway here are the latest completions.

18 War of Spanish Sucession Infantry by Wargames Factory painted as the Dutch Van Groot Rgt.

Same but as the Heidebrecht Rgt.

They come up well but you have to paint the eyes. I hate that.

Stand Back!

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Breaking the habit...

Yeah, been listening to Linkin Park.

Anyway a few more things out of the stash.

Minirons 155mm Schiender gun.

In its intended form, WW1 vintage.

My own WW2 vintage using wheels from an Airfix He-111 kit.

Waterloo 1815 75mm Pack Howitzers.

These came from the British Para's version of the kit. They are still being painted.

Polish TP-7 by Mirage.

Nice little kit and one of my all time favourite tanks.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Tiger, tiger, burning bright...

More stuff finished this week.

Wargames Factory, painted as French Garde du Corp

25/8mm Tiger.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Those Magnificent Men ....

With a very busy weekend just gone I have only managed to finish 3 planes this week.


Manufacturer Unkown. Same age as the SE5a previously. Decals are post-war French from an Italeris Do217 kit.

Model by Academy. Photography by BAd Eyesight.

Finished the flight stand. We'll see how long the flock lasts.

Airfix Aichi D3A1 "Val".